
The winning combination of earned media and government relations

Leveraging earned media and engaging with relevant government stakeholders are two tactics that organisationss often employ to raise their profile, build their community support, and increase their impact in their chosen area. What these organisations may not know is the power of these two strategies when they work together simultaneously, evident in the repeated success […]

Developing a crisis management strategy

Organisations, including not-for-profits, inevitably encounter communication crises, ranging from website glitches to social media backlash that can escalate rapidly. These are often factors beyond our control or full anticipation. While we may hope to react appropriately and swiftly when confronted with such moments, the surefire way to mitigate risk is by having a crisis plan […]

What do the recent redundancies in the Australian media landscape mean for organisations seeking media coverage?

In case you missed it, the Australian commercial media landscape has taken a significant hit this quarter, with redundancies announced across  Nine Entertainment Co (including Pedestrian Group), Seven West Media and News Corp Australia.) Seeing our LinkedIn feeds flooded with news of job losses or being #opentowork points to the devastation across the media industry. […]

Effective storytelling for purpose-driven organisations

Navigating today’s media and audience landscape requires more than just marketing tactics. It’s about forming genuine connections and meaningful relationships with your audience.  Storytelling not only humanises your organisation, creating a sense of familiarity and trust with your audience, but also improves their ability to remember key information. This is particularly powerful for organisations working […]

Get Election Ready with Fifty Acres

Download our checklist to help your team conduct strategic government engagement, complemented by media strategies, in the lead-up to the federal election.  Now that we know the next federal election will likely occur early next year; it’s well and truly time to get election-ready.  For over fourteen years, Fifty Acres has been advocating for Australia’s […]

Utilising emerging tools to implement your communications strategy

Your communications strategy has now been written, either in-house or with consulting assistance, and the fun part has arrived: It’s time to implement it!  In 2024, there is an impressive range of accessible tools that can help you save time in putting the plan in place, saving time so you can focus on the important […]

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